Additional resources

Below you will find a list of online resources useful to the scholar of ancient architecture and beyond.

  1. Bath-related projects
  2. 3D models of bath buildings
  3. Databases of buildings and structures
  4. Resources for materials and decoration
  5. Mapping and topography resources
  6. Epigraphy resources
  7. Resources for images

Balnéorient – the blog of the Balnéorient project, a collaborative project on bathhouses (ancient and modern) in the Near-East, Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula, funded by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)(2006–2010). The blogs cover everything from new publications on baths to bath-related news and preliminary fieldwork reports.

Healing Spas in Antiquity – the portal of the eponymous project. The focus of the projects lies on thermomineral baths in Antiquity. It includes an introduction to the project, a ‘News and Events’ section and will in due course act as gateway to a database of thermomineral bathhouses in the Roman world.

Baths of Iudaea/Syria-Palaestina and Provincia Arabia – the database of Roman and early Islamic baths created by Arleta Kowalewska.

Karanis Bath – a conservation project of a small bathhouse in Karanis (in the Egyptian Faiyum) led by UCLA, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen and Auckland University.

Baths in Belgium – the portal and storymap of Sadi Maréchal’s postdoctoral research on the baths of Belgium.

Suburban Baths of Herculaneum – an extremely high quality scan of these baths, by the Parco archeologico di Ercolano and the Herculaneum Conservation Project.

Databases of buildings and structures

Theatra – a commented bibliography of studies on ancient theatre architecture. On top of the very rich bibliography subdivided by groups (main references, studies by region/theatre, studies by themes), the site includes a web-based map referencing 900+ theatres, a glossary of theatre architecture, and advertises talks and events on the topic.

Ancient Theatre Archive — a second resource on ancient theatres, with a more limited scope (c. 130 theatres) but more richly illustrated than Theatra. Also includes a rich, illustrated glossary.

Theatrum – a database of theatres, by country and site. Includes a distribution map by country and a bibliography for each theatre, sometimes with the addition of plans and pictures. Also includes a list of mentions of theatres in ancient literary sources.

Amphi-theatrum – the sister website of, it provides the same information for the amphitheatres of the Roman empire.

Romaq – a website dedicated to the ancient aqueducts in the Roman Empire (focus on 400 BC – AD 400). A dynamic map is missing for now.

Roman Aqueducts – the sister website of Romaq with more historical information and information on related structures (qanats, basins).It provides a literature list of aqueducts per country.

Resources for materials and decoration

TESS – a large database of pavements (mosaics, opus sectile, etc.) of Roman Italy

Corsi Collection – a collection of decorative stones used by the Romans

Potsherd – a database on pottery and ceramics in archaeology, mainly of the Roman period (1st cent. BC – 5th cent. AD) in Britain and Western Europe.

Facem – a database of pottery fabrics in the Central Mediterranean

Mapping and topography resources

Ancient World Mapping Centre – provides numerous mapping resources on the physical and cultural geography of the ancient world, that can be downloaded to be used in a GIS software on consulted directly through the website. Includes data from Pleiades and the Barrington atlas.

Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire – an interactive map of all the settlements of the Roman territories.

Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire – an interactive map of all the settlements of the Roman territories.

Pleiades and the DAI gazetteer – two other gazetteers of places

Orbis – an interactive model that reconstructs the cost (time and financial) of travel in Antiquity.

Omnes Viae – a projection of the Tabula Peutingeriana on Google Maps, including a route-planning facility.

Epigraphy resources

The main online databases for epigraphic material are the

and the scanned versions of the CIL made by the DAI.

There exist many more databases of epigraphical material, conveniently gathered on the EDCS database.

Resources for images

Manal al-Athar – for images for teaching, research, and publication, of archaeological sites, buildings and art from the areas of the former Roman empire which later came under Islamic rule.

Arachne – the repository of images from the German Archaeological Institute. Contains several millions of pictures (and some 3D models) of excavations, sites, sculptures, objects, and museum collections.

Pompeiiinpictures – for images of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and more than 20 others sites in the Vesuvian area and Campania. – for images and other resources concerning Ostia, Portus, and Isola Sacra.

The digital collections of the international schools in Rome and Athens contain several archives of images. See for instance the digital collections of the British School at Rome, the American Academy in Rome (including the Yegül collection 1978–80 that contains many pictures of baths).